Unstick Your Life
![Unstick YourLife](https://drdavidraque.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Unstick-your-life-2.jpg)
© Susan Todd-Raque
We are getting close to that time of year that everyone begins thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Probably like most of you I have made many, kept some but failed to keep others. I remember over thirty years ago after I had stopped playing basketball and realized I needed to begin exercising on my own, I decided to join the YMCA, just a couple of miles from where I lived at the time. I kept that resolution and have continued to do so. While working out at the Y, I noticed after a couple of years that during January every year it became more crowded until April. All those folks that made their resolutions to change their lifestyle by exercising began dropping out. Every year it was so predictable.
The most difficult resolution for me to keep was to stop smoking. This was one of those resolutions for me that is probably as difficult as it is for overweight people who know they need to alter their eating habits. It did not happen on the first, second or third resolution but I committed to keep trying until I finally succeeded, which I did.
Life is about change, not treading water or staying in place. And yet, many people look around them and feel stuck. So at the end of the year has always been a good time to take stock of what you would like to address. Look at this new year as being like a “reboot”. Being stuck happens to everyone; staying stuck is a choice. If you don’t like a bad habit, or you know you want to change something now is the time to prepare for the change.
What can you do? First of all, accept your responsibility for being stuck, figure out what you can do to make changes, then make the changes and move forward. It means being real with yourself and not denying your part in not taking charge of your own destiny. Others cannot make you happy. Only you can make yourself happy. Only you can change yourself.
Fear is the next challenge and must be overcome. It is a negative thought that your mind imagines and can take control over you. Only fear what is real. Avoid people whose words feed your fears and negativity. Believe in you.
The time is now. You cannot change the past as it is over and you need to let it go, but you can change your future. Keep your mind and effort on the present, with the goal to move forward. Concentrate on what you want, create goals to be achieved, and make them real by even writing them down so you can post them where you will see them everyday.
Remember that this road may be difficult at times but nothing ever really worthwhile was ever achieved easily. Adversity is what will make you stronger and more resilient, particularly if you learn from your mistakes as you make this journey.
As we enter into 2013, all of us can reevaluate the past year and see the new year as a way to make changes and become unstuck from situations we know we need to change.